Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Math and Thank You's

Hellooooo!! (said in my best Elaine from Seinfield voice)

I hope you are all doing well and that the start of the new school year is going well. We are experiencing some homework meltdowns with Middle child, but in his defense, he hasn't had homework since 1st grade, so any amount in 5th grade seems totally overwhelming to him (and me!!). This issue leads me to my first topic: New Math.

I have VIVID (read: horrible) memories of being in Elementary school and bringing home math homework only to have my mom tell me she didn't know what I was doing because it was "New Math". Thus she could not help and I was on my own. On the flip side of this, my dad was so good with math he would make me do math problems on paper napkins while we were eating dinner. This memory is just as VIVID as the first.

Middle child has brought home math homework and though I am familiar with most of the terms (array's, math triangles, etc) sometimes I am not quite sure what the directions are. And since Middle child listens more to his friends (No, you don't need to bring home the reference book) than to his teachers, sometimes I am winging helping him. Back in the day, we memorized all our multiplication facts, we didn't know how we got to the answer, we just knew our facts.

He had math homework again today (OMG mom, I have tons of math homework. 6.34 minutes later, he was done) and I was trying to help him but all of my ways were "wrong" so Husband tried to help. Husband is not familiar with how they teach math now, and in a moment of horror, told Middle child that he didn't know what he was trying to do since it was the "New Math".

I think I gasped and may have punched Husband in the arm. Over the years, I have learned that there is no "new math", only new ways to teach it. 1 + 1 = 2 no matter HOW you teach it. I was quick to dismiss Husband's comment and looked thru Middle child's math book to find out what we were supposed to do. I have no doubt that Google will be a good friend to me in the future as Geometry is NOT my gig. I can do Algebra, to some extent, and should be able to help. I will have to help him how I remember doing it but it is better than not being able to help at all.

Second topic: Things/People I would like to sat Thanks to.

My good friend Laura did this on her blog and I thought it was really nice. I don't think we thank people enough for what they do, and saying thanks can be the highlight of someone's day. I am big on the "I appreciate what you do for me" but sometimes don't get to the basic thank you. I will try to keep this list short and light and thank only those who come quickly to mind (keep in mind, I did New Math today, so my brain is a little fried).

1. I thank him a lot but I don't think he really realizes how thankful I am to be married to him: my Husband. He does a ridiculous amount for me, the kids, other people's kids, while never complaining. He willingly drives Daughter all over the place so she can be with her friends, plays with the kids outside, puts gas in my van, and is still has time to chase me around the house.

2. My girl friends. This encompasses quite a few gals. I am referring to my Junior High bestie (Hi Zip), my High School girl friends (most are Kim's), my college roomies (you know who you are!!), and the group of wonderful ladies I hang out with now. Our lives are busy and different but we can get together, talk, laugh, call each other out, and still remain friends at the end of an evening.

3. My griddle. Only my griddle can make quick work of 2 or 3 dozen pancakes on a busy morning.

4. My boss and co-workers. Though I work in 92 degrees (this is NO joke), am on my feet for 6 hours, get a steam bath every time I open the dishwasher, and usually come home with food in my hair, I cannot imagine being in any other place. The kids seems to be over Lunch Lady Steve being gone and are embracing my mom-ness and willingness to help them with whatever they need.

That's my top 4. Want to know the math facts that are related to 4.....???

My workouts are non-existent since I am on my feet all day. Still doing weights and have started back to the eating clean movement. Was feeling really sluggish but I am back to protein, vegs, fruit, and trying to stay away from stuff that is processed. Certain things I will give up but not bread and cheese. Not extreme amounts of either but I have to have something to dip into my egg and I like light cheese sticks for work. Will let you know how it goes. I am still within my normal weight range and at work average about 7 miles of walking in 6 hours. Lots of lifting, too. Right now with my schedule, focusing on food is easier than fitting in extra exercise.

Have a great Labor Day weekend. I will be sleeping and spending time with my Brother (LOOOONNNG over due) and his family, and then sleeping some more. I am sure there will be laundry involved, but that's easy, there is no math involved.

Rock on peeps!!


Friday, August 17, 2012

The start of something good

Hello friends!
I hope you are all doing well. Summer is coming to a close and as most of you know, I am back to work at the HS and am working 30 hours a week as opposed to the 10 I worked the last two years. It has been a great undertaking securing sitters for the boys (they go back to school Tues) and making sure things run smoothly when I am gone. Husband has been a huge help and there is no way I could have taken on this new job assignment without his support. My neighbors have been unbelievably willing to help me out as well. It takes a village, right??

I have been very pleasantly surprised at how well the boys are doing with me gone. They have been great with the sitters and have been helping me without grumbling when I ask. It is a little bitter sweet to know they aren't counting the seconds until I get home, but I am happy and sooo relieved to know they can be fine in trusted care.

Went to Freshman orientation last night. Nothing too eye opening there, with the exception that it seems the drug of choice in Daughter's school district is heroin. WHOA!!! This information was not provided to us by the student council or school counselors but some of the nice parents of kids that have been thru the HS. Do I worry about my Daughter and her goofy friends doing heroin? No. But it is good (yet scary) info to have.

The boys are ready for school, which is also a relief. In the past, Youngest would be obsessing about how many days until he goes back but I told him how many and now he is more focused on what kind of Cheerios I can pack him for lunch. Is it possible that too many Cheerios can be bad for you? Can it lower your cholesterol to a non existent level? Because I have to tell you, these boys can put away the Cheerios like they are candy (and really, aren't they?? Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Caramel and Fruit?? It may as well be life savors they are eating). I am ready for all of us to get back into the swing of getting up before 10am and getting home at the same time every day.

I was apprehensive about taking this new position for a couple reasons: Everyone LOVED Lunch lady Steve and I literally had size 15 shoes to fill. I knew the kids would be disappointed he's not there and hearing how much they miss him makes me feel somewhat insignificant. But I have received a lot of positive response from the kids and staff about me filling the position, so my ego is feeling a little better. It is also a very physical and hot (not like sexy hot, but like I am sweating like I ran a marathon hot) but I find, so far, that I enjoy the physicality of it. I like lifting the boxes and doing that kind of stuff. I love the people I work with and I love seeing the kids every day and helping the Freshman when they need it.

I read a quote or part of a quote the other day that kind of put things in perspective for me:
You have to trust that where you are is where you are meant to be.

It is difficult for me to trust a lot of things, but in this case, I will give it a try. I believe this is where I am meant to be right now.

I hope the start of school goes smoothly for everyone. Make sure you stay in your kid's business, know their friends and their parents, keep in touch with their school. I know it's hard and I know it is tiring to keep up with all they do but that's our job. Like it or not, we wanted these kids, let's act like it.

Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe. I am hoping to have some good work stories now that I am there a lot more!!
