Saturday, December 29, 2012

I don't have time for a heart attack.

Hi friends!
I hope the holiday season is treating you well and you are enjoying some down time and time with family. I am thankful we got enough snow for the kids to go out and play and take them sledding. We have all been too plugged in lately, time to go out and have some fun!!

After several months of neglecting myself, I am back on the nutrition and exercise band wagon. I had the most horrific case of heart burn on Christmas Day, so bad that I thought I was having a heart attack. In those moments of sitting in my room, in absolute pain, with Husband sitting next to me, I had that moment of clarity. That moment of "NO!! I will not go back to having heartburn and feeling crappy all the time. And NO! I will not die so Husband can marry someone younger and hotter to raise our kids". Ok, you think weird things when you are sobbing in your pink fuzzy jammies.

And as if a sign from above, at Aldi's the other day, they had a scale that measures weight, body fat, body water, and muscle mass. It was super cheap so I have no doubt it won't last long, but I thought "What the heck" and I bought it. You can save up to 16 people's profiles on it so Husband and I set ours up and I am going to post my progress on my blog.

I am giving myself until the end of February to get to my goal weight of 143. Kind of an odd number, I know, but it feels like an attainable goal and a maintainable one as well. I am not going to do anything drastic or try any new fads. I know I have to eat well, exercise more, and plan for those times when I want to eat everything in the fridge. I do really well making sure I prep food on Sunday for Youngest's lunches but I realized that I eat the same stuff he does (a lot of ground turkey or turkey burgers) so I am going to make sure my lunches are packed for the week. I have slacked on eating breakfast but I know I need to to start my day off with a bang. Going to hard boil a whole bunch of eggs for a quick breakfast or snack. 

I know what to do, I need to make me priority again (I hear all you parents out there cheering!).

I have a couple days off when the kids go back to school and am going to research some good, quick new recipes. My kids are getting more adventurous with eating (They have GOT to be over pizza and mac and cheese!). Youngest devoured a bunch of the ham I bought, claiming "It is really hammy!". Middle child will try anything at the neighbors house so I am going to start getting a little more creative with meals.

Ok, so down to the nitty to the gritty. Here is what my stats should look like:
Weight: between 119-149 lbs. Ideal would be 134 lbs (hahahah.oohhh that's not a joke??)
My BMI is 25, a little over the normal. My scale measures FAT not BMI (I track my BMI on
Body fat between: 23-34 %
I won't bore you with the water stats bcz who cares??
Muscle mass: 30-38%

I am 150.6 lbs, goal 143
Body fat is at 31.6 %. This freaks me out that 1/3 of me is fat. My goal is 25% (please know that I know there is a huge margin of error in this number on this cheap scale but A number is better than NO number)
My muscle mass is at 36.5%. Hey!! On track with that one!

I know most of us resolve to get our crap together in the New Year but I can honestly say that I feel like I have most of my crap together NOW, so once this last piece is in place, I am good to go for the New Year.

I will weigh in on Saturday's and Wednesday's and post a blog about my progress. If anyone else is really committing to it, let me know. I am a really good cheerleader!!


Monday, December 24, 2012


Hi Friends!
I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas break. I know I need the break and we have been having a great time with my folks here (though thanks to all the cheese and peanuts I am more "fat cat" than "fit cat" these days, though I have been making a point to get out and walk and run almost every day. But I digress..) Had to turn the news off tonight with all the recent fire fighter and police shootings across the States, it is really hard to stomach anymore. So much sadness and tragedy going on in our Country, hard to get past it some days..

Which is why I am bringing you quite possibly the BEST Christmas event I can tell about one of my kids!! If this doesn't make you feel a little lighter, I don't know what will.

Me, Husband, my folks and Youngest were at Sam's Club Saturday afternoon. I didn't even think about it, but Santa was there for pics with the kids. While we waited for Grammy and PopPop to check out, Youngest and I sat on the bench of one of the picnic tables they have at the check out (side note: does anyone really eat a meal at Sam's Club? Why are there so many tables? Is it the staff lounge, too??). Husband said he was going to say Hi to Santa and asked Youngest to come along. Youngest gave a very resounding "Noooooooo" so Husband went over anyway. I sort of lost track of what was going on as Youngest and I were debating which was the better Combo Meal: Hot Dog and Coke or A Slice of Pizza and Coke. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Red and I hear "Hello Youngest and Merry Christmas!". Holy Crap! It was Santa and he KNEW Youngest's name (Husband had asked him to come say hi)!! I wish to heaven I knew it was going to happen because the look on Youngest's face is forever etched in my mind. He was stunned, sacred and excited all in 4 seconds. It was so priceless and Santa took the time to talk to him and Youngest wasn't quite sure what to do. He looked like he wanted to either shake his hand or tackle him. The Santa was a dead ringer, too. Kudos to Sam's Club.

Youngest is the last of my kids to believe. I struggled with this this year because there was a part of me that wanted him to know there was no Santa. But after seeing his reaction and the kazillion questions he asked after about if that was the "real" Santa, I want him to believe until he is 40. It absolutely made the Holiday season young and innocent for me again.

This is a tough time of year for some and with all that is going on, it is understandable to feel less than Jolly. My advice is to hang out with some little kids that still Believe in Santa. That is the best medicine in the world. And shhhh...don't tell Youngest about Santa...not just yet.......

Merry Christmas!
On a tangent: thank you to my friends that send cards to us this year. I spaced on the whole card thing and only sent out to family this year. I did not forget you and I really appreciate all the cards I got. I will do better next year, I promise!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Triple over time and kale chips

Hello Friends,
I won't comment on the tragedy in CT because I know we all basically feel the same. It is nothing but a tragedy and that, for me, is the end of the story.

Middle child had a basketball game this afternoon against another team in our town. This team was rumored (yeah, I had to laugh that there are rumors in boys basketball!)  to have beat our other 5th grade team by 38 points. Pshhhhh...that can't be one in the 5th grade league scores that much.

We get to the game at 2pm for a 2:15 tip off. The first half we stunk. There is no prettier word for it though I am seeing a pattern with our team: no matter what time of day, they play like they are asleep the first quarter, sometimes the first half. We were down by a good 10 by half time. It must have been some pep talk at half because they came out pissed off and came back. They played like a great team and really made some spectacular shots. This was all enhanced by middle's best friend and Daughter being there. We were the cheering section at the end of the court! At the end of the game, we scored to tie the game : 33 to 33. WHAT???? We couldn't see the scoreboard so we had no idea what the score was. First overtime, we tied again at 35 to 35. Second overtime, we tied at 38 to 38. Ref comes over to let us know third overtime is sudden death: whoever scores first wins. Well, I about threw up because the other team had some great 3 point shooters and we were fouling them like crazy the whole game (they scored most of their points on foul shots). Have I mentioned we have been there TWO HOURS now?? So we go into sudden death, make some major mistakes and then, as if in slow motion, one of the best players on our team gets the ball, and makes a shot from right under the basket.

The place ERUPTED!! All the teams that were supposed to play a half  hour ago were watching and the whole place went wild!! Parents rushed to court to hug our kids and you know what I felt? I felt for the other team. They were crying and it just broke my heart. I made sure (after I told our team what a hard fought win it was) to tell all the boys on the other team what a great game they played.

Though sometimes our town does not feel like a small town, they are all our kids, no matter what team they are on. The parents were very gracious and we were all very kind to each other. Would it have been that way if yesterday had never happened? It doesn't matter. It WAS that way today. And I am hopeful it will be that way for the rest of the season.

And you know I am a total sap.

Matters of food:
I have been hearing rave reviews about making kale chips. I bought a bunch at the store and made two batches. I am not sure I am doing it right as they don't taste like potato chips to me, but I did really like the taste and crunch. They actually tasted like roasted pumpkin seeds, which I love. The family tried it and were not on board but that is ok, more for me :) Anyone else find them not to be exactly like regular chips? I was told I would never eat regular chips again. Hmmm...not sure about that but I did enjoy them.

I hope you are all well during this season. I have a busy week of work, Holiday dinners, kids class parties and a work commitment that will have me at work at 6am this coming Friday. I am really looking forward to two weeks of relaxing.

The kids will help tonight wrap each other's presents while I wrap co-workers gifts. Not much to wrap this year for family but that is ok. Time with each other is far more important that what we unwrap Christmas morning.

Holiday wishes to all of you and I am truly thankful that you follow me. I would love to add two new people in 2013 to get up to a whopping 15 followers!! So if you know your kids email accounts, add me :)

Love to all,

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Technology meltdown and other trivial tidbits

Hi gang!!
I hope your start to December finds you all doing well. I know there a lot of nasty colds and stomach things going around: I hope you find yourself without said things this holiday season.

I had a great Birthday and me and the kids put out most of the indoor Christmas stuff over the last two days. I have been kind of a downer about Christmas: hard to get excited when the kids want cash, going to be a quick Christmas morning! Husband and I worked on re-lighting our ancient Rudolph tonight in the dark and the cold. Some may like to do that when it is warm: not us. We like to freeze and trip over the Santa inflatable ties that are staked to the ground. Makes it more of a challenge.

I am starting 43 with new vim and vigor. I feel like I let 42 slide. Nothing remarkable about the year and honestly, I gave up caring about a lot of stuff. But I feel like my old, new older self (??) and I want to work on eating better and working out more. Here's the kicker: I am going to have the WHOLE family eating better. I have really noticed middle child's diet sucks and he is starting to not look well. The other two kids eat a much more balanced diet than he does, so this whole darn house is going HEALTHY!! (Note to Middle's teacher: sorry if he is cranky bcz he is not getting his toaster sticks anymore in the morning!!). I feel strongly about it and that makes me feel good, to have a purpose and something to focus on again. Husband has not been feeling great again and we cannot deal with anymore outrageous medical bills.

Time to get on it and get healthy. The end.

Ok, so on to the Technology portion of this discussion.

The more technology I get, the less I want. I got my Iphone so I could do everything on it, got the unlimited texting plan, etc. But I find myself stopping before I send a stupid text, thinking "Would you call them to tell them that?". If the answer is no, I don't send the text. I am over being able to be reached 24/7.

We were thinking about getting a Kindle. Why? I honestly don't know. I think we thought youngest could play on it while at the excessive amount of travel basketball games. We have taken youngest to three and so far he has 1) played on my phone or 2) chased other siblings around the school. At this point, I really don't want one. We really need a new computer for the back room so I would rather wait and get a new one when the tax refund check comes.

We could use a Garmin as the Honda's system is really old and to get a new dvd to update it without lifetime updates is over $200. To get a Garmin with lifetime map and traffic updates for under $200 seems like a better deal. We would get more use out of that than a Kindle. But of course, I can type it into my phone and figure out where we are going, too!

The last three weeks, I have been turning on Iheart radio when I get home and not the tv. I find I am sooo much more relaxed and not nearly as hungry not watching tv. The kids love the music and I do not miss the tv one bit.

We have a crazy busy weekend coming up. Middle has three games in two days, a shopping trip with my best gals and an afternoon at my mother in laws for a Christmas party.

I plan on listening to a lot of music and trying to unplug.

Hope you are all well and getting ready for Christmas. For those with small kids: be happy for all the stuff you have to do to surprise them with gifts: they get older, more expensive and not nearly as fun. I never thought I would, but I envy you.

Happy 5th day of Christmas!!
