Hi Friends!
Last time I posted, we were back from our vacation and I am happy to say we are back from a mini vacation!! We were fortunate for our whole family to be invited on a friend's trip to Kalahari Water park for an over night and then a day at Cedar Point on Sat. Kalahari was a lot of fun but no joke, I think it was SNOWING at Cedar Point. The wind was blowing so hard and the rain was freezing, the kids waited in the down pour to ride one ride and then we went back to Kalahari for the afternoon. Despite that, we had a great time and are grateful for the chance to go.
There have been some heavy things going on in my life but instead of laying down and dwelling on them, I am choosing to lift myself up and enjoy the good, silly, fun things. Here are a few:
My new business, Great Gatherings, LLC is up and running. For those of you who don't know, I provide assistance when you are having a cookout, graduation party, baby shower, etc. I can help you plan your event and I help set up, maintain food and beverage service, and clean up. It is a great way for you to enjoy the event you are hosting. I am doing Holiday's too. We could all use a stress free Holiday in our lives.
Enough tooting my own horn.
I entered a contest on Diet Bet a month ago. You put in $25 and have 4 weeks to lose 5 or 10% (this is how much I am in the contest, I don't even know the rules!) of your weight and whoever does this and exceeds their goal, wins the pot. I thought this would be good motivation for the miser in me (I hate throwing away $25!) but alas, I do not think I will be the Biggest Loser or the Diet Bet Winner tomorrow come weigh in time. The good news is, despite wearing nothing but elastic shorts all summer, my weight has remained the same. Roughly. Meh.
My only daughter turns 16 on Weds. I hope when I grow up I am like her at 16. She is the best person I know and I love her too much to put into words. If you know her, consider yourself fortunate. She is a true beauty.
I still fill in at the Assisted Living Facility. I truly enjoy my time there as they remind me of what is important. I start back to work in THREE weeks. Looking forward to it but need to get my butt in gear and find a week for child care for the boys. Hoping Daughter can do some of the days but she is so busy (again, BIG LOVE to her). It will all work out, it always does.
Here is my latest challenge that I will be posting on FB: In an effort to clean out my freezers and pantry, I am not going big food shopping for as long as I can. I am challenging myself to come up with all meals from what we have on hand. I want to get it all cleared out before I go back to work so I can stock up, cook what I need and get things ready for another school year. Each day, I will post a pic on FB of what creative thing I made for a meal (or two) with what I have on hand. I may have to make a milk run but that would be it, until I can't make anything else.
I feel like I need something to focus on that takes my focus away from the not so pleasant stuff. I feel like this summer has been a big waste and a lot of that has been my attitude about everything. There were days when I wouldn't get out of bed till after 10am bcz I just didn't want to deal with life. Depressed much? Yep.
Something in me snapped this past weekend and I am not going to take life laying down anymore. I have a renewed, albeit exhausted spirit and I am going to give my best to all I do.
I will post this and then post a pic of our dinner. Have a great week!!