I don't get many days off at the High School, primarily because I am off all summer and get the regularly scheduled days off the teachers get. I had today off since the boys are home on break. I had big thoughts of a day filled with boys and fun and laughter.
Here's what really happened.
*Daughter came home sick because her allergies are kicking in and she is just miserable. She looks miserable, acts miserable, you get the idea. I do feel for her. Too early in the season to feel this crappy.
*Took the boys shoe shopping as Middle child is ridiculously hard on his shoes (on the upside, it is because he is outside all the time). Usually Husband takes care of this task but again, I was feeling adventurous and was up for the task. With Youngest with DS in hand to keep him busy, we headed out. Drama ensued: nothing in his size, not the color he wants, too expensive, blah blah blah. Come on, it's just shoes!! Lots of tearing up on his part and we ended up going to three places before we found something he could "live with". Thank you, Kohl's!
*Next stop: grocery store. I generally don't bring them as it costs me more money and I like to go alone. They were doing well and I did let them pick out a treat because they were hanging in there and being silly. I parked them by the school supplies while I used the restroom. I come out, two minutes later, to hear Youngest screaming in pain. WTF?? I thought to myself. He managed to get his foot STUCK in the bottom of the cart. And at a really unnatural angle. Middle child was trying to get his foot out but Youngest kept screaming. I was able to get his shoe off and YANK his foot out but it was painful for all of us (as a side note: there were THREE employees not 2 feet away that did not bother to help or see what was wrong. You people suck.) He managed to limp his way thru the rest of the trip and declared "I don't want to do THAT again".
Me neither.
I go back to work tomorrow. Thank goodness!!