Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Progress Report

It seems that all of my research, badgering my friends, and trying different things have finally paid off for Youngest. Seems his new vitamin regimen along with a less processed food diet is finally working. He is MUCH calmer, can focus better, and argues much less. He still has his moments but they are few and far between. The last piece of the puzzle I have to add is some liquid Vitamin E. That is supposed to greatly help with his "clumziness". Will be getting some on the next grocery trip.

It seems my persistence has finally paid off. I am not foolish enough to think that this is the be all end all of solutions for him, but it gives me hope that the more I research, the more help I can be to him.

And we all know our Family Motto is "Never Give Up".

Persist on, readers!!



  1. WOW! Thats awesome. You don't how much a diet can affect the kids. Congrats Super Mom!

    1. Not super mom, just doing what every mom would do. Endlessly.
