Hi friends! I hope you are all staying safe and warm in this crazy month. I, along with everyone I know, is ready to heave January out the door and welcome in February. Ok actually, we would really like to welcome June, but you know, the calendar thing is pretty solid on how the months go.
As you know, we put our dog Molly down almost three weeks ago and we decided a week ago to start looking for another dog. Teddy seemed really sad and we thought it couldn't hurt to start looking. I am very particular when choosing a dog as having a son with Autism brings a whole bunch of things to think about (texture of fur, how how pitch the bark, size, etc) and we were in no hurry.
Then I got a text from a friend who had a friend who's Aunt was being put in a Nursing Home and they didn't know what to do with her 6 year old white shepherd, Bear. Bear and a cat had been raised by this elderly Aunt, and though he spent some time with neighbors, Bear is NOT used to the chaos of three kids and another Shep/Lab mix. I knew he was good with kids and other dogs, but I didn't stop to think that he has not spent much time around MEN.
Griffin and I went to look at him and Bear was afraid to get out of the car. This raised some flags for me because he is BIG and the last thing I needed was a big, scared dog. But we brought Teddy out of the van and they seemed to get along ok, so we said ok, we'll give it a go.
He is at least 85 lbs of love and fur. For those of you who aren't familiar with German Shepherds, they are great dogs but very protective. Bear very much took to me as being the older lady in the house and he loves Emily, too. He is very wary of the boys, though seems to do better with the boys then with Tom. If Tom ignores him, he will lay down next to him. He will let anyone pet him but will only come to me and Emily. I know it will take some time but I know he will be a great addition to this family.
It's an ironic twist because Molly and Tom were inseparable, and now Bear has adopted me and Teddy has become Tom's buddy. Jack has been great in respecting that Bear is a little afraid but Bear lets him pet him all the time. Seems like a great fit.
And he needs to lose some weight. Join the club, Bear.
Did I tell you I quit my Assisted Living job? Well, I did. I really was not enjoying it and it was killer getting up at 5am on Sunday's. I am in the process of looking for restaurant work Fri or Sat evenings as that is the experience I am lacking.
Emily starts in school driving class next week. Just that much closer to getting her license. YIKES.
Boys are doing well. Jack is doing so well at his new school and I try not to think about how misplaced he was at his old school. It makes me so mad that I have to put it on a shelf. I am reading a great book called Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm. It is an easy read and will make you cry. If you have family who doesn't understand what is going on with your Autistic child, this is a great read.
I have been going to Aldi and Meijer to do my shopping and I definitely feel that Meijer is way cheaper than Giant Eagle and has a much better produce selection.
Doing anything for Super Bowl Sunday? Yeah, us neither. But I am making a truck load of food so we can have left overs all weeks. I bought baby back ribs and will have to find out how to cook them. I usually get spareribs so this is new territory for me. I like a challenge.
Tom and I are doing well. He has been a real trooper staying home with the kids when they are off and my district is not. I haven't put on any weight but haven't lost any either. Darn you the last 10 lbs!! Though I suspect my body knew how crappy this winter would be and urged me to keep the weight on.
That's my story anyway.
Would love to hit 20 followers this year. Spread the word.
Gotta get Bear off my feet, throw Jack in the shower and get the dinner dishes done. Oh, maybe I could throw the dinner dishes in with Jack and he could wash them while taking a shower?? Ok, ewww.. maybe not.
Stay warm and safe friends!