Monday, October 24, 2011

The end of Paleo?

I was pretty sure this blog would be about my giving up the Paleo lifestyle. It is kind of boring, I miss bread; or at least the ritual of dipping my bread into my egg in the morning, or making a sandwich to eat in the car while I run errands. I miss my spreadable Laughing Cow cheese wedges, I miss my cans of soup.

Last weekend I ate what I wanted. No logging food, though it is always in the back of my mind what I ate. I ate a LOT of processed foods today and to be completely honest, by about 5pm today, I felt like garbage. I felt greasy, hungry, and not at all satisfied with what I had eaten. I needed more to make me feel full. So I ate and ate and continued to feel worse and worse. Huh. Maybe there is something to the Paleo way of eating?

I am going to keep eating as well as I can but balance in the times I really want some soup or a sandwich. I need to factor in how it will make me feel and be sure to beef up my protein and veggies for the rest of the day. I think I can make a good balance out of the whole process but it will take time.

I was pretty skeptical about the Paleo eating, but I find myself drawn to it more than eating crap food. I can actually feel and tell there is a difference.

Listen to your body. It knows more than you think!

Cavemom out.


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