I admire any woman that has kids and a full time job. I had a great career once, one that carried a lot of responsibility and the nice paycheck to match. But then kids happened and my once serious career became a string of part time careers. They have all been great part time careers but sometimes I really long to be back in the land of the full time career.
Husband came home the other day and told me there is a job opening up in his department that I would be great at. I used to work at his company, full time, and I know the hiring supervisor. Other than having mixed feelings about working with my husband (and this may be an issue for the company, too), I am pretty sure I would do well at this job.
But who would get the kids on the bus in the morning? Where would they go after school? What do I do on the afternoons I pick up Daughter? Who watches them over holiday breaks and summer? Could youngest handle more time at school or in day care? The kids couldn't spend summers with their friends.
You see where this is going. It hit me like a sad ton of bricks that there is a good chance I will never go back to work full time. Lunch Lady Land may be the be all end all of my professional career. I know the kids would 1) like the more money aspect of me working full time and 2) would probably adjust but I just don't know if I could adjust. I feel guilty now about missing school events and I only work 10 hours a week!!
I have thought about it and am not going to pursue the position. Full Time career land will have to stay a thing of the past for awhile. I will be the best cavemom and lunch lady I can be. That's what we tell the kids "Be the best you can be". Words to live by.
Sloppy Joe out.
I'm in the same boat. I also used to work with my hubby and now there is a job opening in my old position. I can't do it though, the hours are very early in the morning & of course that leaves no one to get the kiddos on the bus.....the check would've been nice though :)