Sunday, October 28, 2012

Making the perfect hard boiled eggs and how I got to this point

I had Friday off again due to conferences as the high school where I work. Husband and I took my van in to be serviced so I was home all day with no mode of transportation, other than my legs. It was cold and narsty outside, so my best bet was to just stay in and get some housework done.

You have met me, right? You know that housework is the LAST thing on the planet that I ever want to do. So I stifled the urge to at least throw one load of laundry in or do the dishes (it is hard for me to repeatedly walk by the mess) and I opted for just laying on the couch. It was my day off  after all.

I watched a lot of Foodnetwork and in so, caught a new trick in boiling and peeling eggs. For those who don't know the first thing about making hard boiled eggs, here are some tricks and basics:
1) If you think about it, the night before you make the eggs, turn the carton upside down. This makes the yolks settle in the middle instead of close to one end or the other.
2) Put the eggs in a pot, cover with cold water, at least an inch over the eggs, put a lid on them and boil them.
3) When they start to boil, take the pot off the heat and set a timer for 10 minutes.
4) When the ten minutes are up, rinse them under cold water, then crack them (this is the new thing I learned! I just banged them against the colander  and put them in a bowl of cold water.) Cracking them will  help the shells come off easier. Whaaa?? Who knew??? Rachel Ray did, that's who.

I have been having some weird allergic reactions to stuff lately that is causing various parts of my face to swell up. A couple weeks ago at work, I was sauteing onions, celery and carrots for soup. A little splattered in my face and next thing I know, my eye is swelling shut. Last night, I sauteed the same combo for the chicken and noodles I was making at home and my lip started swelling up a couple hours after. I also tend to have these issues when I am really stressed. I would say I qualify as mildly stressed lately (aren't we all?) but with this stupid Sandy storm threatening my parents again, I am really stressed. So I am not sure if it is something in the onions or stress causing my faux Botox look.

Now I am sure they are reading this and willing me not to be stressed, but I can't help it. It is like telling them not to worry about me.  We worry about each other, that's what we do. They were supposed to come here next weekend and have to postpone because of the clean up they will inevitably have to do. Wish we could be closer to help, seems like they just went thru this with Irene.

Anyway, between the weird sauteing incident and being stressed, I realize that at my upcoming birthday, I will NOT be able to say I am in the best shape of my life. For the last 5 years, I have been able to say that, this year, I don't think I can. I have taken a serious hiatus to all things good for me and have become a slug.

With that realization, I sent a plea to my fellow Sparkpeople team that not only am I going to be at my goal weight of 145 by Christmas, I will work out more , eat better and reduce stress. They are on board and I am also excited that my Fitbit pedometer syncs with Sparkpeople now. Nice to have all my exercise info in one place.

It is only going to get harder for us to keep in shape, let alone lose weight. I am actually ok with the weight I am now (151) but it is the shape, or lack there of ,that makes me mad. One of my favorite quotes is "If you don't want to start over, don't STOP". No crap. I need that tatooed on my hand. I did 45 minutes of aerobics today and nearly died. This time two years ago, I was doing 75 minutes each day on the weekend and running like a madwoman during the week and weekends.

With renewed spirit and weird allergic reactions to consider, I am cleaning up my diet, taking more time for me (I checked out two books from the library today, haven't done that in months), making workouts a priority again and making sure I am healthy for my family. 43 isn't old, but it sure ain't 23!

Off to peel some eggs, effortlessly.
Thanks for listening and for any of you being affected or have family affected by the storm, my thoughts and prayers are with you. This crap is getting old!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

I know you are dying to know how my day off was..

Just kidding. I know you all have real lives with real concerns and whether or not I DID stay in my jammie pants all day is NOT on your list of things to be concerned about.

But I did stay in my jammie pants, all but for the 35 minutes I went to the store. I have a small amount of class.

Here's how my day went:

Alarm went off 10 minutes before my friend's daughter gets dropped off.

Made everyone their breakfast and lunch and got friends daughter on the bus.

Race home to get Youngest on the bus.

Wait for Middle child to go to school before bolting upstairs and back into bed.

Fast forward THREE hours..yeah, I slept until close to 11:30am!! I was mildly alarmed that it was almost noon but got over it. Quickly. I felt great when I finally rolled out of bed.

Husband calls to see if I have checked the travel basketball website to see if Middle made it. Nervously scrolled thru the names and there he was, on the Blue team (they have two 5th grade teams)! Called Husband to tell him and I am fairly sure he started weeping. He's just a little bit proud of his first son. I wanted to be the one to tell him but his buddy, who's dad is the coach, told him this morning. Oh well. Needless to say, he is over the moon. And I am pretty excited, too. Remind me of this moment when we are traveling more.

From there it was: throw laundry in, put on yoga pants, hit the grocery and Target for Youngest's bday present, back home and into jammie pants, more laundry, cleaned the downstairs, paid a ridiculous amount of bills, and before I knew it, I had just enough time to shower before the boys got home.

Not much of a relaxing day but I did cancel Youngest's 4:30 therapy. Wasn't feeling like it on my day off and his other therapist comes at 6pm for an hour. That's enough therapy for me for the day.

Once we get thru therapy, I am hoping to finally do some of that "laying on the couch" stuff I was hoping to do most of the day. I am glad to have accomplished what I did and am hoping to do something fun with Husband and the boys tomorrow.

I hope you all had a great Thursday!!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quite possible the worst job and other ramblings

I stopped at the store on the way home today and as crappy as a day as I had (boring story), it hit me when I saw the Huntington Bank girl at the entrance of the store trying to drum up business for her bank, that her job could be the worst one I have seen in a long time. Armed with a tray of cookies, a cup full of Dum Dum suckers and pens, it is 6-8 hours of her trying to get people to bank in our grocery store. Which brought up a couple of questions in my mind:

 Do people really bank in grocery stores? I can see having an ATM, but do we really need a guy/girl in a suit, with a glass office, pretending to be busy all day? 

Maybe it is like a timeout for bank workers? They get sent there when they are performing poorly?

Or maybe it is like a probation period when you are first hired: "If you can make it thru 3 months of working in the glass box in the grocery store, we will move you to the bigger glass box at the real bank".

Regardless, the lovely gal who gave me the pen made me realize that my day wasn't so bad after all.

Youngest turns 9 on Saturday. All he wanted was a small party with friends and his favorite pizza and he would be happy. I love that he is so easy to please when it comes to his birthday. Lately, that has been the only easy thing about him!

Middle child is at his last basketball tryout. He didn't have to go to this one but he wanted to to make sure they knew he was serious about making the team. We should know tomorrow if he did or not. Fingers crossed he makes it because I really enjoy watching him play. Dad, you will be getting the sponsorship email shortly......

Oldest is doing well in high school and is still enjoying cross country. It is coming to a close and she has a little time off before they start practicing for track in the spring. I am relieved she found a sport she not only enjoys but is pretty good at.

Husband and I are doing well. Had a good time at his reunion and with that behind us, I have NO motivation to get in shape. Yeah..I know I said I would get into a bikini this coming summer, but it is hard to think about summer when it is chilly out. I am determined to do it, just need a little break from thinking about food and exercise all the time.

I have been working with the older substitutes this week at work and I think their elderliness is starting to rub off on me. I have all kinds of aches and pains I didn't seem to have until I started working with them and I am afraid my friends are going to start dying. Seems like every time they work, they are going to a funeral of another friend that died! I understand it is part of getting older but it is really quite depressing. We have had little interest in my old position but a couple applications have come thru. Hoping we get the position filled before the holidays.

I am looking forward to my 4 days off and am hoping to only be slightly productive tomorrow when I am home alone. But I know me, and it will be hard for me to sit still when I know I could get a lot done. I do have to get some shopping done for Youngest's birthday and we have his social skills class to go to tomorrow night, but maybe I will get some couch time in, too.

I hope you all are doing well and I thank you for your continued support of my blog.

Now me and my pj pants are heading to the couch.....


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Boy Named Fred

Ok, that's not really his name but I am going to go with that to protect his privacy. This is a blog about school lunches, not about the govt imposing rules (though I will insert a blurb here or there on that), but about a parent's inability to know what her teenage son needs.

Fred is a Senior this year. Historically, he has been a pain in the keester but this year he seems to have his ducks in a row. He is much more polite, asks in advance to make him some meat free food (he is a sometimes vegetarian: he is until that lettuce salad doesn't fill him up, then he wants chicken!), and generally has been a great kid so far this year.

His mom put money onto his account at the beginning of the year with the explicit note that he can only buy a lunch: no diet pop, bagels, extras, etc. Well, he went thru that money pretty fast because he came in for breakfast and bought what would be considered a "meal" and then would come thru again for "lunch". I told my Boss about it and she contacted his mom and she said "He is only allowed to buy one "lunch" a day". We let him know (ok, this should be a conversation between mom and him.) and he was crushed. He is soo hungry when he gets to school that he can't get by on one meal.

My Boss called his mom again to let her know how hungry he is (this is after I spent my own money making sure he was fed. Yes, I do that for the kids, go ahead and report me). Response was the same: he can only buy one meal a day.


I get up at 5:30 every morning so I can make sure my kids have lunches packed that can get them thru 9 hours and a really good breakfast that can get them thru until lunch. Why can't she 1) Make him a good breakfast (he claims he does not eat in the morning) and 2) pack him something extra?? The fact that the Foodservice Director has called to say that the lunch lady is paying to feed him and that he is so hungry everyday, that should be a big clue that he needs more to eat!!

He came in today to see if he had money on his account to get lunch: .05 cents on his account. Needless to say, he didn't have lunch.

I know we are all busy and I know packing lunch is the last thing we want to do (I have been known to pack blueberry muffins, carrots, crackers and cheese), but seriously, think how cranky you would be all day at work being hungry.

Obviously I care a lot about my kids and the kids I feed. I want them to be healthy and happy and it ticks me off when the parents are coming up short. We all have days when we pack our kids gum for lunch but it should not happen on a regular basis. Don't punish your kids with not feeding them lunch.

Ground them from the Xbox.

Make them clean the toilets.

Onto something more personal: Middle Child is trying out for travel basketball and though I had heard about how competitive sports are in our town, I never realized it until this week. He is really good at all sports, but now he is up against some really good kids. And it doesn't look good for him making the team. This is a first in this house as he excels at sports. It is taking it's toll on him (and me for that matter!) but we have a backup plan to get him into the basketball he played last year. I am not sure how to handle him if he doesn't make the team. 

The dreaded Reunion is a mere 4 days away. I have not lost 40lbs, though I have lost a few. I have bipolar moments of being totally worried and then not caring at all. I will be glad when it is over, let's just go with that.

Work is wearing on me with no one hired in my old position yet. We are doing the best we can but the colder it gets, the busier we get.

Youngest's 9th birthday is in a little over a week. Good thing I have the Reunion to obsessive about because it would be his bday I would be crying over.

I hope everyone is well and healthy. Lots of weird health stuff going on, be safe.

Something you never knew about me: Mexican food is my absolute favorite genre of food. I have never been south of the border but would love to go, just for the food. 

I haven't run much this week. Life's events are getting in the way but I should be able to Thurs-Sun. Won't bore you with my mile times, I am sure they will be close to what that were!! Thanks for your continued support.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Things that amuse and annoy

So, in this installment of "things Youngest did at school or on the way to school to warrant a frenzied email from his Behavior teacher" goes a little something like this: Youngest is having trouble on the bus lately and is acting out. His Behavior teacher talked to him about it and he said another student was bugging him on the bus. When she tried to explain to him that maybe that student wants to be his friend he said "I have two friends, I don't need anymore". The poor woman went on to try to explain that he can have more than two friends but he had tuned her out by then. She had not talked to the bus driver yet (there are a lot of people involved in Youngest's daily happenings so sometimes things don't get communicated) but she was worried about his behavior. My first and only guess was this: Youngest reads on the bus to and from school. I have no doubt the other student was talking to him and all he wanted to do was read his book.

Talked with Straight Shooting Sally bus driver about this and her reply was "Youngest was trying to read his book and other Student was bugging him. We have since moved other Student". Problem solved.

Amused. Mountain meet mole hill.

I have mentioned that the person I have replaced at work is in some ways, irreplaceable (insert Beyonce singing here). He is a great guy and really connected with the kids. He won Win Win person of the year, even after he quit. Kids love him and honestly, I have big friend love for him. No one can make me laugh like he can.

And I am reminded e v e r y day at work about how much the kids miss him. "Oh, we like you, too" they say but I can hear it in their voices, they miss him more than they like me. As we have discussed in previous installments, I have self confidence issues. So this kills me that they don't like me as much as they like him. I do work in a high school so bear with me acting like it sometimes!

He called me today to ask if I was going to the Pep Rally on Friday afternoon. I hadn't planned on it since I leave work a good hour and 40 minutes before it starts. He said he was coming and started talking about what he was going to do with his two minutes at the Pep Rally.

Huh? "What the heck are you talking about??".

 "Oh, didn't I tell you? They invited me to be GUEST HOST at the pep rally".

Insert hysterical laughter on my behalf here. I said "But you don't work there anymore!!" What the heck. I swear if they could, they would make him Mayor. I feel like Charlie Brown with the ball pulled out from under me every time. Good Grief.

He will do a great job and of course I will be there to support him. I look forward to the weeks of hearing how GREAT he was and how much everyone MISSES him.


Something you don't know about me: when I read/look thru magazines, I start at the back. Thought you should know.

I have had great offers to look thru some friends clothes for my upcoming Awkward Fest and I am excited to do that. In prep for losing 40 lbs in 10 days, I will be running 1 mile sprints as many days as I can and doing push ups. I told the one Sub I have (not the Ninja but the one that is like me, but older) that if the comes in to find me face first on the floor, shove a cracker crumb in my mouth, kick me and tell me not to be such a pansy. She liked that, though she is skeptical of me losing 40 lbs in 10 days. I have seen it done on tv so surely I can do it.

I appreciate the kind words regarding Awkward Fest. I know deep (way deep, like in my toes) that it will be fine. Sometimes I am not good with chit chat and Husband has such a BIG personality that I am worried I am going to be sitting alone a lot. Or that my inner sensor won't be working and I will say something inappropriate. I keep clinging to the fact that Husband wants me to come, he has more faith in me than I do. Working on that.

Sorry so long, full of words today, thanks for letting me get them out.

Off for my run..

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Well...I wanted motivation...

It is no secret that I sometimes have self confidence issues. And we can be honest, we all do or have some other issues we deal with daily. Mine came to a screeching head when I had this conversation with Husband last night:
Hubby: Hey! My 30th High School reunion is on Oct 13, I am going to call to say we are coming.

Me: Uh? Why would you want me to go? I don't know anyone. Wouldn't you rather see your friends without me there??

Hubby: We are going and it will be fine.

Me: Your Ex will be there and it will be weird because what if they don't know you aren't still married?

Hubby: It won't be a problem, it will be fine.

He calls today to confirm we are coming and the coordinator tells him "You know, Ex sent her check and she will be there, too." He tells her they aren't married anymore and she said " Ohh..I hope that won't be weird for you two".

Ok, it is all ready weird!! Why in the WORLD do I care what his HS friends think of me, or his Ex for that matter? Because I am human, that's why. I have met them before but it was over a decade ago.

Now I am a big ball of fat stress that has nothing to wear. I have 10 days to drop some weight, get a smoking hot outfit (I all ready have my shopping maven at the ready to hit the stores) and not make a fool of myself.

I wanted motivation, I got it. In spades.

Wish me luck!!
