Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Things that amuse and annoy

So, in this installment of "things Youngest did at school or on the way to school to warrant a frenzied email from his Behavior teacher" goes a little something like this: Youngest is having trouble on the bus lately and is acting out. His Behavior teacher talked to him about it and he said another student was bugging him on the bus. When she tried to explain to him that maybe that student wants to be his friend he said "I have two friends, I don't need anymore". The poor woman went on to try to explain that he can have more than two friends but he had tuned her out by then. She had not talked to the bus driver yet (there are a lot of people involved in Youngest's daily happenings so sometimes things don't get communicated) but she was worried about his behavior. My first and only guess was this: Youngest reads on the bus to and from school. I have no doubt the other student was talking to him and all he wanted to do was read his book.

Talked with Straight Shooting Sally bus driver about this and her reply was "Youngest was trying to read his book and other Student was bugging him. We have since moved other Student". Problem solved.

Amused. Mountain meet mole hill.

I have mentioned that the person I have replaced at work is in some ways, irreplaceable (insert Beyonce singing here). He is a great guy and really connected with the kids. He won Win Win person of the year, even after he quit. Kids love him and honestly, I have big friend love for him. No one can make me laugh like he can.

And I am reminded e v e r y day at work about how much the kids miss him. "Oh, we like you, too" they say but I can hear it in their voices, they miss him more than they like me. As we have discussed in previous installments, I have self confidence issues. So this kills me that they don't like me as much as they like him. I do work in a high school so bear with me acting like it sometimes!

He called me today to ask if I was going to the Pep Rally on Friday afternoon. I hadn't planned on it since I leave work a good hour and 40 minutes before it starts. He said he was coming and started talking about what he was going to do with his two minutes at the Pep Rally.

Huh? "What the heck are you talking about??".

 "Oh, didn't I tell you? They invited me to be GUEST HOST at the pep rally".

Insert hysterical laughter on my behalf here. I said "But you don't work there anymore!!" What the heck. I swear if they could, they would make him Mayor. I feel like Charlie Brown with the ball pulled out from under me every time. Good Grief.

He will do a great job and of course I will be there to support him. I look forward to the weeks of hearing how GREAT he was and how much everyone MISSES him.


Something you don't know about me: when I read/look thru magazines, I start at the back. Thought you should know.

I have had great offers to look thru some friends clothes for my upcoming Awkward Fest and I am excited to do that. In prep for losing 40 lbs in 10 days, I will be running 1 mile sprints as many days as I can and doing push ups. I told the one Sub I have (not the Ninja but the one that is like me, but older) that if the comes in to find me face first on the floor, shove a cracker crumb in my mouth, kick me and tell me not to be such a pansy. She liked that, though she is skeptical of me losing 40 lbs in 10 days. I have seen it done on tv so surely I can do it.

I appreciate the kind words regarding Awkward Fest. I know deep (way deep, like in my toes) that it will be fine. Sometimes I am not good with chit chat and Husband has such a BIG personality that I am worried I am going to be sitting alone a lot. Or that my inner sensor won't be working and I will say something inappropriate. I keep clinging to the fact that Husband wants me to come, he has more faith in me than I do. Working on that.

Sorry so long, full of words today, thanks for letting me get them out.

Off for my run..

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