Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New You!!

Hi gang!!
I hope you all had a great New Year's Eve, were able to sleep in and are off to a great start of the New Year. Last night was the first New Year's Eve that we all stayed up and celebrated together. Usually Youngest would be asleep but we let him stay up and it was fun for all of us to count down the New Year together. We also has a Wii Bowling Tourney: boys vs. girls and I am PROUD to say Daughter and I crushed them. I am a much better virtual bowler than a real bowler.

It is crazy warm here today and I am thankful for that. Though I am not crazy about the huge wind gusts we keep getting, I will take that over snow any day of the week. Don't get me wrong, I like snow, but usually we have had some on the ground for about a month now. That gets old quick. And last year our porch roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. That was not fun. So bring on the warm temps and wind gusts, I am ready for you!

I don't know how many of you make Resolutions, but no matter if you do or not, I think there are a couple things we can all "resolve" to do more of or better: Be more patient with our kids, take more time for ourselves, and do more for our community. If you devote time to these things every day, you will live a much better life.

Happy New Year friends!!


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Cat!!!! I've given your blog an award :)
    check it out.................Katie
