Monday, January 9, 2012

Ruling with a Marshmallow Fist!

Yes, I know the saying is " Ruling with an Iron Fist", but that is not my style (and that pic is not any of my kids). I believe I can be productive in my family by ruling with a "marshmallow fist". And who doesn't like a marshmallow??

I had a crappy weekend of me being the only one to do things around here, Youngest being off his rocker over just about everything, and me just generally being unsatisfied with my parenting and the lives we are leading in this house. I have never looked forward to a Monday as much as this one!

And that's when I realized, it has to CHANGE. It is not too late to change the crappy behaviors, it is not too late to ask that EVERYONE in this house chips in, it is not too late to ask people that live under this roof for HELP.

There's a new Sheriff in town and her name is Sheriff Marshmallow!! Husband and Middle child did dishes after dinner (because I agreed to make both pancakes and biscuits for dinner). This has NEVER happened and Middle child is 9. Why have I waited this long to show the kids the joys of doing dishes?? My new philosophy with Youngest is: I will not help you until you try to help yourself. When I told him that, he about had the biggest breakdown of them all. I am NOT the only person that can do things around here and I am FINALLY going to start using these people to my advantage. Daughter always helps, with some grumbling, but rightfully so as I never ask her brother's for help. That is all changing now.

I don't care who I tick off and who has a problem with it, I am DONE being the only one to keep this household  working. These kids have got to learn to do things on their own. As does Husband.

Remind me of this when I go back to doing everything for them.

Have a great Monday!!


1 comment:

  1. This is what I do when I do not get any help...go on strike. I stop evrything. Dishes,laundry,picking up their crap.....I stop it all. I have been known to put a can of beans with a can opener on their [plate for dinner. You would be amazed how well this works & it only takes them about a day or two to notice.......
