Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend Update

Hi gang!
 Most of your are watching the Super Bowl, as I am, and it is half time: perfect time to bang out a blog!! I am hoping the Giants win, though Lunch Lady Steve, who I work with, knows Nate Solder: Offensive something, #77 on Pats, he is a rookie and does really well. So I kind of want him to win a Super Bowl in his rookie year, but I want Giants to win more.

Family Game Night Friday night went really well. It was warmer than usual here so all the neighborhood kids went outside for a game of Flashlight tag. I made it my role to sneak outside and hide in the dark and scare the kids as they ran by. ahh...good times. Then we had a dart gun fight with Daughter and her friend, followed by a really good game of
Daughter and her friend kicked our butts. Though some of the words were questionable:
Me: I don't think "assphyizzle" is a word.
Daughter: Sure it is.
Me: Use it in a sentence.
Daughter: Ok. "get your hands off my assphyizzle".
Hmmm...not sure what to do with that so we let them have it.

We all went to Middle child's basketball game Sat morning. They lost by one point and the basket the other team's kid made was ESPN worthy. I have NEVER seen a 4th grader make a shot like that. His mom was right in front of us, and despite looking like someone from Mob Wives, I told her what a great shot he made. She had tears in her eyes. Good to know someone gets as excited over their games as I do. And note to other parents: please be a good sport. Your kids are watching how you react.

(Side note: I keep getting texts from people about Madonna's  Half Time performance: my dad wants to know "what's wrong with her?", my other friends are telling me how boring, poorly choreographed and lip syncy she is. Glad I am on the computer!!)

The rest of Saturday was napping and getting in my 30 minutes of aerobics. I have been 5 for 5 so far and have added 50 sit ups, every day, to the mix. Took some of the kids to the library and got to catch up on my smut mags, as well as check out some new books.

Today was pretty normal: laundry, long walk, some reading, a trip to Target. Kids have been great all weekend and over all, it has been a really great weekend. Good to have those after a couple crappy weeks. I have a somewhat busy week coming up but plan to manage it best I can. Daughter is at her dad's the next two weekends and Middle child's basketball games are at 9am the last two Saturday's. I am hoping to slow things down an enjoy family time like we did this weekend.

I hope you guys had a great weekend and we have a good week. Keep up the work you are doing on being healthy. I can't, in good conscience, post a Weight Warriors post as I have had chips, wings and beer tonight. But I can tell my daily 30 of cardio is paying off. I feel smaller, more energetic, and mentally sound. I have been doing weights, too, and have amped that up a bit. Let's have a great week and send me a note on how you are doing. 

Thank you all for reading. I know some of these posts are about as lackluster as Madonna's performance tonight, but sometimes the life of a mom and wife isn't that spectacular!!

Good eating and living to you and yours!!


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