As I was panicking about the week to come, I thought I would think back to some goals I set and where I am and how I am feeling about things.
But first, I want to tell you about my weekend. Friday night was our Vets Day parade and Husband was in it. It gives us all such a thrill to see him part of the parade. Saturday night we went to our friends house and hung out with their friends for a bit. Nothing brings happiness like getting together with people you truly love and don't see enough of. We all say we need to do it more but as you all know, life gets in the way. But I will really make an effort as I had such a good time! We also got a lot of house cleaning done, some clothes shopping for small people who aren't so small anymore and of course, a trip to the library. I love the library. I could devote a whole blog to why I love the library. But I won't. It would be pretty boring.
Ok, so back to my goals.
# My month of YES has been a weird one. I said I would eat what I want and not log anything. After one day of that, I felt out of control and not happy not knowing what my calorie and fat counts were. So I am back to tracking, still primarily eating Paleo though this time of year I become a SOUP whore and can't get enough of a good can of soup. Had three cans today. Oh lord, I just realized my mom is a soup whore, too. Must run in the family, daughter had a can for breakfast!. Note to all: buy stock in Progresso and Campbell's.
# I have not put in as much running as I should be a week though I have upped my distance to three miles when I run. I am lacking motivation primarily due to two things: I need new shoes (bday money is coming in a month) and I have not signed up for the May 2012 race yet (see above note about bday money). But despite me trying to talk myself out of running, I put some new tunes on my Itouch and hit the street this morning. It felt really good to get out there.
# I really like the way my body is responding to lifting weights. I do a full body workout three days a week with 8 and 10lb weights, nothing crazy, but arms, legs, core. I love that I can do it while watching FoodNetwork. I work up a great sweat and my new size 10 jeans are too big on me. I have toned everything up and I know it helps with my running, too. I have asked for a set of 12 lb weights from Husband for my bday. Lame, I know.
#Tomorrow I start Christmas shopping. Some of what I need is on sale and I have coupons. We are going for an all cash, no credit card Christmas. I know it can be done because I am sticking to my "only get them what they want" theory. No filler gifts just to open stuff, my mom will take care of that. Each child wants about two or three things and that seems reasonable. I also plan on socking away 20 bucks a week from now until Middle child's birthday. I will get him his much wanted Xbox plus one game. That should make for a pretty good 10th birthday, wouldn't you say? But shhh...It's a surprise :)
# I have NOT started painting the white trim yet. We are getting our carpets cleaned next Sat so I am waiting for that to be done (procrastinating) then I will try to get it knocked out in a couple days. I know once I start it will go fast. It is the "once I start" part that trips me up.
# I was able to tactfully talk to Middle child about the Penn State stuff. I asked if he knew what happened and he said that someone did something wrong and no one spoke up about it. I left it at that but fear he knows more than a 9 year old boy should: when Husband had ESPN on the days following, Middle child would not go in if they were talking about what happened to the boys. I suppose that was a smart move but he looked really afraid. The whole thing still sucks.
#Middle child starts his first season of basketball this Monday. Soo much cheaper than hockey and he has not ONCE mentioned missing hockey. Now all he wants to do is watch NCAA basketball. I hope he does well and likes it. I know nothing about basketball so I can be of no help. Of course his first game is the same time that Daughter has a Taiko drumming event out of town, so again we will divide and conquer.
# I would like a clone of myself and Husband for my birthday. Anyone interested in helping out with that, please let me know.
I hope you all had a great weekend and a less than crazy week than I have. I do not like being busy in the evenings. I do like my sweat pants, FoodNetwork and a glass of wine. I like my Husband on the other couch with both dogs on either side, like bookends, and I do like the kids in bed before 9pm.
So facing a week I do not like, I should remember the things at home I do like. Makes it more bearable that way.
Happy Monday, friends!!
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