Last night was Halloween. It was cold here and not many kids stopped by, but I did get a chance to talk to one of my favorite moms (shout out to you KD!!). Here are some pics of what the kids went as.
Middle child is hockey player, his best bud handed out candy with his Blue Jackets jersey on, Husband went as Pirate...again.
Daughter didn't trick or treat tonight but went as a gypsy to a Halloween party last Sat night. We bought the dress at a used clothes store and she worked on the rest herself. She even wore makeup to the party. Gasp!!
Youngest was Iron man at his school Halloween party on Friday
Tonight he was....
sick on the couch with terribly mismatched clothing on. He didn't feel well enough to trick or treat so I asked his brother to take his pumpkin and get some candy for him. Brother said "I will just share what I get". WHAT?? Is this a TRICK??? Nope. Brother went out for two hours and got as much candy as he could and let Youngest pick what he wanted.
Just when I thought all hope was lost between them...
Here's to hoping Youngest feels good enough to go to school tomorrow (for the record, he is home sick today)
I ate a Reese's peanut butter cup and a little snickers and I feel like I want to throw up. Husband was going to hide the Reese's from me but I told him there was nothing to worry about. I don't want to feel this yucky just for a peanut butter cup!
I hope everyone had a great time. Consider sending your left over candy over seas for the troops. By the time they get it, it will be Thanksgiving for them. I know they would appreciate it!
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