Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Loose ends...

It is the day before the best day Ever and I am happy to report that I no longer have the raging sore throat that had me on the couch most of yesterday. My mother in law's concoction of whiskey and honey worked like a charm. Not to mention it helped me sleep like the dead.

I did not get my white trim painted before the holiday. Oh well. It will get done sooner or later I suppose. Or not. Meh.

I continue to do the Shred though I am missing more aerobic activity. So I am going to alternate between the Shred, running, and doing workout dvd's. This will help me from getting bored, too. Went for a run today and it felt great. Such a nice November day here. Thanksgiving last year, we had a little bit of snow. Not this year though, thank goodness!!

The green apple is still in my tree. I bought more apples, too.

Middle child, who is 9, just got new basketball shoes. A men's size 9. Holy cow, those are some big hooves!!

Daughter spent the entire day laying on the couch. Ahh to be 14 with no ambition or drive at all. I did make her fold laundry but even that she did on the couch.

I continue to try to eat mostly Paleo, though I have incorporated toast back into my breakfast. Youngest used to eat an insane amount of white hamburger buns and he is off that kick now and I do believe it was affecting his behavior somehow. He seems more agreeable and he is not eating near as much as he used to. No joke: he would eat three or four turkey sandwiches on hamburger buns when he would get home from school. Then he would eat a full dinner. So I think there is something to be said for limiting white bread, for him anyway.

I haven't had any more catering training. I emailed the HR girl last weekend with my availability but haven't heard back. There is a chance she is out of the office for the Holiday? Hopefully I will hear back at the beginning of next week.

I think that is all I have to say. I need to put laundry away and clean up my kitchen for the second time today. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and you won't hear from me because I will be knee deep in the best day ever!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends and Family!!


1 comment:

  1. Guess my 79 cent loaves of bread probably aren't too healthy ;(

    Happy Turkey Day, Cathy !
