Monday, May 26, 2014

Fit in 40 days: Day 1

I am often a hypocrite in that I talk a BIG game about nutrition and exercise and though I may follow my own advice, I do not do the same for my family. There have been lots of Donut parties of late as a way to keep Jack plugging thru school. On the weekends and during the week, there are often trips to the drive thru's because we are on the run constantly.

I hate what I am feeding my family. I hate that they don't know what portion control is. I hate that it can be DAYS in between having a fruit or veggie.

And that is too much hate to be carrying around.

My neighbor/friend invited me to join Runners World 40 miles in 40 days challenge which starts today and ends July 4th. I have just gotten back into running, am doing a 5k in the Fall with some friends, and I usually put on a good 7lbs over the summer. This is a terrific incentive for me to get off the couch/lounge chair and keep moving.

Then I thought: If I am going to endure this torture, er I mean, healthy lifestyle, my family should, too!!! More water, more fruits, more veggies, more fresh food. This doesn't mean there won't be a frozen pizza, mac and cheese, or grilled cheese days, it just means I am taking a very active role in getting my family to eat better in the next 40 days.

And to make sure I am accountable for it, I will blog about it every day. It is hard to not get sucked into the lure of the drive thru, but it is so expensive and just so bad for them. And knowing I would have to blog about it may be enough to keep me away!

So join me on this 40 days of lots of miles, healthy eating, and happier family members!!

Thanks for reading,

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