I want to send a sincere thanks to everyone that sent me Birthday wishes. I feel overwhelmingly happy to have soo many good friends. It is a little scary to think some of these people knew me in grade school and on from there. That is a LONG time to have been a friend. I applaud your persistence! I just wanted to recap some special and silly moments of my day.
I got up at 6am to get ready to be at my catering job at 8am. I checked my FB page first thing this morning and openly cried at one birthday post I had. It was from Husband's nephew, who is in South Korea in the Army. It was a simple "Happy Birthday, Aunt Cathy" but it brought me to tears. Here is a 19 year old kid who is enduring flooding, being away from family for a year and he is wishing me, someone he barely knows, a Happy Birthday. And he called me Aunt. Seriously? Love that boy.
So from there I gathered myself together and got to work. This is the busiest time of year for the company so there were a lot of people I didn't know and several new people there, like me. So the mood was light, and everyone was doing their thing. I washed a lot of pans and stuff, they were going thru them so fast that I would wash the same thing several times because they were using the things so much. But after a bit of that, Nice Chef had a "project" for me: Slicing 300 POUNDS of potatoes (they were all ready peeled, but I now wonder who did THAT??). As we were carrying the 100 lb totes of potatoes out of the walk in fridge, Nice Chef tells me I will be slicing all of these by hand. "Ok!" I say enthusiastically. He starts cracking up and tells me that we have an automated slicer and I don't have to do it by hand. I am an idiot. But can I tell you? I LOVE the potato slicer!! It is like a Play-doh machine where you put the Doh in, press the handle down and shapes come out. Same principal. I had so much fun! Plus I was in the middle of the kitchen so I got to talk to everyone. It is soo much fun to be around people that like to talk about food all day long. Ahhh.....burp....
I stayed at work a half hour too long (that's how much I like it!) and when I got home, I was welcomed to a clean house, Birthday decorations and a cake. We opened presents and the kids and Tom ate cake. We all know I don't like cake, it is for everyone else. But that is ok because I ate what I wanted today and didn't work out at all.
From there it was on to Middle child's first basketball game. He scored the first two baskets of the game and played really well for a kid who has never played organized basketball. But what I was most impressed with was his sportsmanship. He was playing against his friend M and M came up to him when he got there and said "You are going to LOSE". Son didn't say anything but I was a little annoyed so I said "Those are BIG words for a little boy". He is like a head shorter than Son. So he was trying to get Son to respond but Son kept saying "We'll see". M didn't score at all but at the end of the game Son made a point to go over and tell him good game but then he added "see who won?". And Son was really supportive of his teammates when they didn't do well. I was really proud of him and I really look forward to his games.
I took a nap in the afternoon and Husband took Daughter to her school function. I made a pretty good Pasole in the crockpot (Mexican soup), downloaded some music and now I must share what I got for my bday:
My new running shoes to go with the new music I downloaded.
Brace yourselves for this:
Mom got me this for my birthday, The conversation went like this:
Me: A blue starfish?
Mom: Your bathroom is blue and you like seashells.
Me: Okayyyy...
This will be someone's White Elephant present this holiday season.
I also got new underwear. You don't need to see that. I need SOME secrets :)
Seriously, I thank you ALL for my Birthday wishes. It HAS been a day about ME, it has felt good, and we are all really need to be over it. Tomorrow I will sleep in and get back to reality. And that's the way I want it.
A blue starfish??.....in the past my mom has gotten me padded clothes hangers, a step stool & a plastic silverware caddy.....I keep telling her not to get me anything but she won't listen! I am the queen of white elephant gifts.