This will be a short post as it has been a long couple days. We finished wrapping all the gifts tonight. As much as I was excited about two out of three of my kids knowing Santa is just "in spirit", kind of bummed me out that Middle child was so into what he was getting. It was much more fun when we didn't wrap gifts in front of him. Note to self: Let Youngest think there is a Santa until he is 50.
Speaking of Youngest, he has been on my every last nerve since break started because he doesn't understand yet the days of the week and how long apart things are. Every day we would have a conversation about how many days until Christmas Eve, and what really is Christmas eve and when do the presents come and how many days after the presents do I go back to school and how much Prozac can mom take at a time and you see where I am going with this???. I try to patiently show him the calendar and how much longer he has to wait. Still not clicking with him.
After trying two of my "dance your ass" off dvd's today, I hated both of them. Which is ironic since I majored in dance for two years at OU. I said screw it and colored my hair instead. As I was sitting at the computer, with goop in my hair, Youngest asked me what was in my hair. I tried to explain it best I could (it is stuff to cover all the grey hair you people give me!!) and I think he kind of got it. Then in the most serious expression he could muster, he said "You are still really pretty anyway."
Clunk. My heart just fell to the floor. As much and as often and he tries my patience, my heart is his. He is my favorite. For today anyway....
I wish you all the best for this Christmas Season. It is hard with the kids home but I try to remind myself DAILY to only yell at each of them ONCE a day. The rest of them time I try to embarrass them by hugging and kissing them. They leave me alone more when I do that.
I will be spending the next couple days with my family and I hope you do the same with yours. Be thankful and love the people around you. I love each and every one of the five of you that read my blog. You are truly the cream of the crop!!
Merry Christmas!!!!
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