Friday, December 2, 2011

Pay attention

Our kids are told, all the time, to "pay attention". Most of our complaints about our kids are about their lack of paying attention.

Question: do you pay attention to YOU? Do you pay attention to what YOU need? Not your kids, not your spouse, YOU?

The first answer to this hit me as I was trying on running shoes at Kohl's today. I was going to sign up for the 10k again in May 2012 because my friend is doing it and because I was going to RUN the whole thing this time around. As I was trying on lots of pairs of shoes, I had THE moment. The moment of, "Why are you doing this? You don't like to run long distances, you like to run a couple miles and be done. Why can't this be recreational and not a race?".

I didn't know what to say to myself. Aren't I supposed to like running since I did the 10k earlier this year? My Husband considers me a runner, what he doesn't know is: I run on the weekends to get out of the house for awhile and listen to my recently downloaded music. NOT because I like to run.

I bought some new running shoes (super cheap. Thanks Kohl's) with the intention of signing up for the 5k of that May race, the one I did years ago for the first time. I can enjoy myself and be part of the running experience. Win win.

My second answer of "Are you paying attention?" came later in the day. As I was on the way to pick up Daughter, there was a HUGE crash on the highway. It looked like one car or van had flipped, caught on fire, all the windows were smashed out and all their stuff was strewn over the highway. All I could see was flashing lights and debris. Had THEY been paying attention? I don't know. Did someone run into them? I don't know. It scares me because I travel that stretch of highway endlessley and always count my lucky stars that I have not been in an accident.

Off to the library. I drop off some dvd's. Pick up some new ones and walk right out in front of a car driven by like a 15 year old. He had no intention of stopping so it is good that I have no balance, stumbled and fell backwards. Ouch.

I am off to pick up daughter. I park in my usual spot and as I am pulling out, almost hit another car.

Eish, what a day.

Maybe we should pay more attention and just stand still sometimes.


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