Friday, April 27, 2012

Cat's Day Off

I used my last day off today. As with most things I do, it did not go exactly as planned.

Husband woke up this morning mentioning he didn't feel well. But he got ready and went to work anyway. He is the kind of guy that is either feeling fine or feels like he is knocking on death's door, there is no in between. So imagine my panic when he comes home two hours after he left for work saying he felt worse and is going to Urgent Care. I want to take him but I have promised Youngest that I will be at his 10am play at school. Husband assures me he is ok to go alone but I tell him I will stop by Urgent Care on my way back from the play.

Youngest played a "Rapping Bee" in an odd production of Rapunzel his class put on. I don't remember there being any bees in Rapunzel but this was their take on it and they made it all rhyme, like a rap. He, along with a few other boys, wore hats backwards and when the narrator would say "sing it bee's" the "bee's" would go "Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz". It was really quite cute and the kids all did a great job. It always makes me proud of Youngest when he can perform in a group setting like that. Two years ago, that wouldn't be possible.

From there I book it over to Urgent Care and Husband is coming out when I get there. He thinks he ate something bad (note, I did NOT cook the night before. I blame what they brought in for dinner) but they gave him some meds to help with the stomach pain. Phew. He promptly went home and fell asleep and thankfully seems to be feeling better. He's actually a little loopy from the meds, which is reaalllyyy entertaining to me.

Off to have lunch with Middle child at his school. This is a big honor for me as usually he doesn't want me anywhere near him. Sat with him and his bevvy of beauties and had some interesting conversations with the young ladies.

"My parents are divorced and it sucks" one young lady told me. "Indeed it does" I replied.

"I have four brother's and sister's and I don't know if my parents are even married", another one chimed in.  "hmmmm" was all I could muster.

Me to one of Middle child's guy friends "Can I borrow your Hunger Games books when Middle is done reading it?" "Sure, Mrs. Cat" he replied. Slightly embarrassing to ask your son's friend for the book but I don't want to wait a million years to get it from the library. We finished our lunch together and Middle darted off to the playground. My work there was done.

Went home to check on husband, he was asleep, went to get my haircut (lopped about 4 inches off, love it!) then to Giant Eagle. Would like to give a shout out to Heather, my deli girl. It is conversations like these that keep me coming back to her:

Heather: Hey, you got your hair cut!
Me: Yep, I literally just got it cut.
Heather: It looks really cute.
Me: Thanks.
Heather: But she parted it on the wrong side.
Me: Yeah, I know!! It is driving me crazy.

Who, but my deli girl, would know what side my hair is usually parted on?? She needs a raise.

Daughter and I were listening to our "oldies" station. You know the one that plays stuff from the 80's and 90's (sigh)? And Soft Cell's Tainted Love was on. There is a part that says " I've got this burnin, burnin, yearnin deep inside me", daughter says "Ewww...that is so gross!". I asked her what she was talking about and she said, "Why would he sing about his burning urine??". I nearly ran off the road I was laughing so hard. academic amazon never ceases to amaze me.

So I am safe and sound back in the house, doing laundry and playing Words With Friends. I am getting killed by all of them and I swear the one is cheating (you know who you are!), but it is fun and it keeps me away from Pinterest and Ziplist.

I hope you all have a great weekend!!


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