Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Letter to my Health Insurance Company

Dear Health Insurance Company,
Thank you for your years of service and for keeping my kids, myself and my husband covered for Well Checks and immunizations. Though your coverage for many medications and other OTC things is lacking (I can use my HSA account if my doc writes a prescription for bandaids, sunblock, etc. Really??), I do appreciate what you do and the crap you put up with.

I have a small request: Please cover the cost of immunizations for my other two "kids", my dogs. Husband's employer puts money into our HSA annually to use for family members, I think the dogs qualify. They lick all the germs off the kids, lower my blood pressure when I pet them, and make most of us happy most of the time.

We have oodles of money sitting in our HSA and thankfully (and I really mean that) nothing to spend it on. But faced with the over $500 it is going to cost us to get our dogs annual shots and 6 months of heartworm meds each, I sure wish we could tap into that unused money. I think Husband's company would want us to, they are very philanthropic.

I appreciate your time. Now,get back to denying those claims.

Your pal,

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