Monday, November 21, 2011

Being Thankful

As you all know, we are THREE days away from the best day EVER. I like to think of myself as a very thankful and grateful person. I had a great childhood (though I may have taken it for granted most of the time), have great kids, an over the top, out of this world Husband, and several jobs that I actually like. I know those things seem like every day things but I know too many people that cannot list those things as things they are thankful for.
 Here is my quirky list, that I will no doubt add to as the week goes on, of things I am thankful for:

*The microwave and toaster oven: without these, I would not be able to make my kids breakfast and lunch.

*My dogs' soft ears: rubbing their ears when I am down gives great comfort. And I think they dig it, too.

*The first Austin Powers movie. I still laugh like a loon 14 years after it's release.

*Non stick pans. They make clean up soo easy.

*The Earnhardt family: thank you for so many years of great racing (and Jeff Gordon, because I think he is cute).

*The way "Don't Stop Believe'n" has taken over a new generation.

*The internet. Doing homework with the kids is a breeze with Google and all the other search engines.

*Chevy Chase. You can catch either a Fletch movie or National Lampoon flick starring him anytime of the year on tv. Or on Community on Thurs nights.

*Being able to say "I am sorry". Those three words are imperative in being a humble person. Wars have been started over the inability of people to say those three words. USE Them.

*The green apple out in my dead Elm tree. There was a Cardinal sitting on it this morning. I still feel like it is trying to say something to me but I don't know what. Maybe I am out of apples??

*Squirrels. We have a lot of them around here and I love how fat they get in the fall and how skittish they are. I can completely relate.

*My dental hygienist. She does all the dirty work and my wad of a dentist (can you tell I don't like him?) pokes around for a second and is done. 

*All of my women friends and family that have started their own business. You rock. I will post a blog, soon, of these such sites. You all deserve a shout out. You know, to all of my FIVE followers.

*That I can make my Husband laugh. A good, deep belly laugh always brightens my day.

*Second chances. Lots of good things have come from second chances.

*The people that work with victims of abuse and rape, albeit adults or children. To have to listen to their stories day in and out is more than most people can bear.

*Refigerated pie crusts and wonton wrappers. All kinds of goodies can fill these easy to bake wrappers.

*Friends that text me funny things thru out the day. Keep them coming!

I asked Husband and kids what they are thankful for:
Husband: healthy kids and a smokin hot wife (ok, I may have embellished what he said about me. But it was close to that).

Daughter: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Middle child: that my mom is working 4 jobs so I can get an Xbox for Christmas.

Youngest: That I am getting a Nintendo DS for Christmas (wait, what??? No no, you asked for the TRex and that is what Santa is working Nintendo for you young man.)

The moral of my tale is this: there are all kinds of things to be thankful for. Doesn't matter how small or silly it may seem, if it gives you joy, be thankful.

Gobble Gobble.


1 comment:

  1. Great post & I'm right there with you when it come to Austin Powers, the movie Anchorman make me giggle too :)
