Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ho Hums

I love this time of year. My favorite Holiday is coming, spending time with family, all the good stuff.

But every now and then, the dark little depression monster sneaks in. It is this way for me from now until about May.

This time of year has been historically dark for us. Holidays come and go but the lack of light, holiday bills, and general malaise sets in and I feel like
I don't want to do anything, see anyone, make time to be happy. I just want to hibernate until Spring comes.

Two things saved me from spending more time than I should have last winter as Jabba: I signed up for the 1/4 marathon and knew if I didn't run as much as I could over the winter, I would die on the run in May. And 2: Husband has a new job that he really likes and is less likely to fall into the winter dooldrums with me.

But the darkness still has a way of sneaking in on me. I was feeling it a lot today until I realized that I wasn't actually unhappy just really tired. Worked 4 hours (yeah, go ahead, laugh. But that is TWICE my shift) went to the grocery and then ran 3 miles. I feel slightly accomplished that I can recognize that I am tired and not sad. Yay for me!!

I know this time of year is really tough on a lot of people. We all struggle to figure out how we can celebrate, buy gifts, and not go bankrupt all within a couple months. This Christmas I am adopting a policy of buying the kids only what they ask for, within reason. I will not buy "filler" gifts so it looks like they have more under the tree, will not buy stocking stuffers they don't want (I will be filling them with Halloween candy!!). Too often I worry about quantity when all the kids really want is what they want.

That should be an all year policy. Only ask for what you want and I bet you will get it.

Have a great Tuesday!!

PS. For Christmas, I would like one more "follower". Not a stalker, just a "follower". Thank you.

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