Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I think she hates fat people

An odd title, I know, but it has been one of those days.

My Boss, who I really like and am thankful every day to have as a boss, has been kicking ASS at losing weight with Weight Watchers. She and her husband are on it and are cranking out fantastic numbers every week. Then she told me she lost close to 4 lbs last week. I stopped in my tracks. I know how hard it is to lose the smaller you get. "What are you doing differently?" I asked. To myself I am thinking she is popping pills, doing the Kardashian  Kleanse....

But the answer was much worse than I thought.
I have this dvd and near died when I did it at 187 lbs. But my Boss is rocking it, looks great, so I thought "What the heck? I lift weights. I run. I can surely get thru this workout that used to make me into jello. I AM the nut that wants heavier weights for my birthday."

So today I started my 30 day shred. For those of you that are normal and would never do this to yourself, let me quickly explain what this is. It is a 22 minute long dvd that spends 3 minutes on strength, 2 minutes on cardio and 1 minute on abs. Rinse and repeat twice thru that sequence and you are done. Sounds easy.

Not so much.

I sweat more in that 22 minutes than I did on my 6.55 mile run. She has you working multiple muscle groups, up and down off the map, and other torture methods. I think I sobbed and blacked out at one point but I am not sure. I do remember yelling out loud "I think she hates fat people!!"

I know I will never look like the women in her dvd (they look like something out of a warrior/model catalog) but I am determined to see the 30 days thru. I will not be doing my normal weights since this pretty much sucks the life out of me but I hope to still run, if I can, a couple days a week.

Join me on this journey to hell, won't you??


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